Based on the performance herses (une lente introduction) by Boris Charmatz
Explanatory note
Ten years after he conceived the choreography herses (une lente introduction), Boris Charmatz comes back to this major creation through a silent film. Une lente introduction proposes to search the dance and the flesh of choreography, two elements often evacuated from the discourse surrounding the presentation of that work. The images were shot at the Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre, in high res format, in 2005, shortly before the last public performance by the team that had interpreted the play during seven years: Vincent Dupont, Myriam Lebreton, Sylvain Prunenec, Julia Cima and Boris Charmatz. Since then, a revival of herses has been performed in Oslo, Berlin, Vienne and Paris.
herses (une lente introduction) would be, first of all, a play of getting in touch; in fact, the direct, ironic or reactive confrontation with a few utopias:
the natural utopia, that of the body liberated and let free in green territory, snatched by the forces one says are essential, trees and flowers
the utopia of the couple, the builing of one by the other (and the perenniality of desire), irritating and archetypical choreographic figure
the communitarian utopia, the body shared or combined, the impossible or unavowable contacts.
Those three “utopias of union”, and some of their consequences (the vanishing of the individual for the benefit of nature, union, or the communitarian ideal; the dream of an absolute and blinding encounter, the spirit of team, escapade, merging!) could give birth to a play for two couples of dancers. It would imply contrasted reactions, from sarcasm to fascination, and would come as close as possible to dangerous reefs: the reef of parody, the one of writing per se, the one of pornography.
Magma is an extract from Une lente introduction presented as an installation. Showed on a loop, it is relieved from the dramturgical construction of Une lente introduction and lets appear its acme: a roll of entangled bodies.
Length: 34 min
Julia Cima, Vincent Dupont, Myriam Lebreton, Sylvain Prunenec, Boris Charmatz
Silent film
Medium 35 mm colour
Camera and editing: Aldo Lee
Director of photography: Madjid Hakimi
Ground: Gilles Touyard
Stage management: Gilles Gentner
Set management: Alexandre Xenakis
Production direction: Angèle le Grand and Sandra Neuveut
Postproduction executive: Laura Beurdeley
Technical means: Tsf camera and Tsf lumière
Conformation and grading: Sylicone
Kinescoping: Laboratoires éclair
Distribution: Terrain
Production: edna (2007)
Coproduction: Centre chorégraphique National du Havre Haute-Normandie
with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture and Communication – Centre National des Arts plastiques and of the Mairie de Paris / Department of art in the city
with the support of tsf camera and tsf lumière
Thanks to: Yves Godin, who did the lighting of the original play and Pascale Cassagnau, Helmut Lachenmann, Soizic Maïni, Frederic Peyrat, Hervé Robbe, Carole Rambaud, Rodolphe Devaure and the team of the Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre Haute-Normandie, Nathalie Viot, as well as Danys Bruyère and Christophe Hustache-Marmon, Youssef el Moudhakir, Matthieu Straub, Françoise Plouviet and the tsf team.
Une lente introduction was shot at the Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre Haute-Normandie (Direction Hervé Robbe) in 2007.
Cover picture: Fred Kihn / Screenshot from the film Une lente introduction